Sculpture and Objects
Stargaze: Orion / Sculpture for U.S. Embassy, 2016 - 2018
Stargaze: Orion, 2016
Stainless steel, patinated bronze, paint. Size: 267 x 96 x 132 in. (678 x 244 x 335 cm)
Architect: HOK (Washington DC)
Public Sculpture for U.S. Embassy in Moscow. Commissioned by Art in Embassies, U.S. Department of State in 2014. Sculpture completed in 2016, and installed in 2018.
Stargaze: Orion explores the human bond with the cosmos through the act of gazing into the sky. The sculpture features a vertical structure whose colored planes frame prescribed views directing the gaze, while its mirror-polished surfaces reflect the sculpture’s surrounding and the viewer. The base, a black bronze pentagon, represents a stellar map of the Orion constellation. Stargaze: Orion is at once a tribute to modernism’s utopian aspirations and a witness to the movement’s transformation over time.
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